vegetarian bodybuilding diet plan

Vegetarian bodybuilding diet plan is going a step further. Vegetarianism is actually a lifestyle focusing on a healthier today and a disease less tomorrow.There are different types of vegetarian diets. Lacto vegetarian, the vegetarian and vegan diets are some of them.

Nutrition is the base for success in bodybuilding. Unfortunately, supplements have become more important than nutrition these days. This is mainly due to the large publicity that health supplements get. All supplements are not really effective and they are sometimes addictive. Abuse of supplements and stimulants to burn fat and help workout result in bad health later on.

A vegetarian bodybuilding diet should contain Vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the right proportion. One common myth about vegetarianism is that vegetarians do not get enough proteins. This is not true. Soy, nuts, seeds, lentils, legumes and beans are rich sources of proteins and they also provide vitamins, minerals, fibers and antioxidants which are not found in meat. So a vegetarian diet is actually healthier.